Purpose Alignment (VAL)

Blue gradient

Identification of Individual Purpose


This learning module is designed for all the new starts in an organisation to provide them with required in-depth information about the organisation they have joined and to help align their aspirations and the organisations’ goals. A detailed induction programme will help the new entrant to gain a thorough understanding and confidence required in adapting to the role quickly.


For all new starts after understanding about the organisation and its mission is to know their role function/department and its importance in the successful running of the overall organisation. A sense of belonging can be created at this stage for the new entrant.

Learning Capsule Highlights

This capsule will be cover all aspects of:

  • The overall department’s functioning
  • Sub-departments
  • Employee structuring/ Resources availability within the function
  • Reporting hierarchy
  • Department’s support to other departments

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this capsule, the new start should be in a better position with regard to understanding the requirements of the overall organisation and the contribution of his/her department to the Big Picture.

Delivery of Program

This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.


Alignment with Brand Purpose


This learning module is designed for all the new starts in an organisation to provide them with required in-depth information about the organisation they have joined and to help align their aspirations and the organisations’ goals. A detailed induction programme will help the new entrant to gain a thorough understanding and confidence required in adapting to the role quickly.


For all new starts it is very important that they are provided with all background information about the organisation, the business legacy, its divisions, point of contacts etc.

Learning Capsule Highlights

This learning capsule will be custom built based on the organisation needs. It will cover, details such as when the business was founded, the founder details, the sector it falls into, various departments and their roles in supporting the core business, details of the organisation hierarchy, growth map/evolution chart of the business, Clientele details, products or services provided etc.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this capsule, the new start will have a thorough understanding of the organisation and will be able to contribute in line with the mission and vision of the overall organisation.

Delivery of Program

This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.

Alignment with Organisation Purpose


This learning module is designed for all the new starts in an organisation to provide them with required in-depth information about the organisation they have joined and to help align their aspirations and the organisations’ goals. A detailed induction programme will help the new entrant to gain a thorough understanding and confidence required in adapting to the role quickly.


For a new entrant to feel empowered to fulfil his/her duties completely, they should be made aware of all key contact points in the organisation for various kinds of support required at different stages of their tenure.

Learning Capsule Highlights

This capsule will ensure the following:

  • Clearly chart out, the different POCs for various support requirements in the organisation
  • Help set up the initial meeting with these POCs before starting out to enable smoother communications in the future
  • A document containing the contact details of these POCs and their relevant department heads for future communications
  • Process to be followed for raising issues or requesting for support at all times
  • Learning Outcomes

    At the end of this capsule, a new start will have a thorough understanding of the organisation, its ways of working, departments, one’s roles and responsibilities, its importance and impact on the overall business. This knowledge will ensure that the entrant feels confident of policies and processes from Day 1 to function appropriately and give their best in terms of outcomes.

    Delivery of Program

    This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.


Roles and Responsibilities


This learning module is designed for all the new starts in an organisation to provide them with required in-depth information about the organisation they have joined and to help align their aspirations and the organisations’ goals. A detailed induction programme will help the new entrant to gain a thorough understanding and confidence required in adapting to the role quickly.


For any new start after getting to know the organisation, the role function, the next and the most important aspect of induction is to get to know clearly the roles and responsibilities expected out of him/her. It is a best practice to have clear Roles and Responsibilities aligned with one’s reporting authority to help better functioning.

Learning Capsule Highlights

In this capsule, a one-to-one discussion with the reporting authority and overall department head will help to chart out a clear list of roles and responsibilities expected from the new start. During the discussion there are things the new entrant must also ensure, such as:

  • Understand the generic and specific responsibilities of one’s role
  • Earn clarity on the specific, time-bound, project-based responsibilities
  • Gain knowledge about the metrics in place and the frequency of assessment of deliverables

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this capsule, the new start should be well equipped to start functioning independently knowing the point of contacts for various information and start fulfilling deliverables.

Delivery of Program

This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.


Overview of other functions


This learning module is designed for all the new starts in an organisation to provide them with required in-depth information about the organisation they have joined and to help align their aspirations and the organisations’ goals. A detailed induction programme will help the new entrant to gain a thorough understanding and confidence required in adapting to the role quickly.


For any employee, it is essential to understand not only the role of his own function but also of all other functions of the organisation as at many times, there is joint support / tasks to be accomplished.

Learning Capsule Highlights

In this learning capsule, we shall cover the following in greater detail:

  • Complete overview of the various functions in the organisation
  • Their respective Functional hierarchy charts
  • Areas of working together
  • The support details and flow of information between the various functions

    Learning Outcomes

    To fit into any given role and to progress further, one needs to have thorough knowledge of all the functions and also know the individuals and decision makers of these functions. This session will ensure all details pertaining to this area are shared and all POCs are informed.

    Delivery of Program

    This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.


Pillars of Success in Role


This learning module is designed for all the new starts in an organisation to provide them with required in-depth information about the organisation they have joined and to help align their aspirations and the organisations’ goals. A detailed induction programme will help the new entrant to gain a thorough understanding and confidence required in adapting to the role quickly.


For a new start, it is of utmost importance to be able to categorise one’s roles and responsibilities into the right buckets to help prioritise these and function correctly.

Learning Capsule Highlights

In this capsule, we will cover the following stages required for successful functioning in any role:

  • Understand the requirements of one’s role in detail
  • Formally align on the agreed expectations
  • Prioritise correctly
  • Deliver the responsibilities on time every time
  • Scoring Brownie points
  • Learning Outcomes

    At the end of this capsule, the delegate will be sure of ways of effective and efficient working to ensure successful completion of tasks each and everytime.

    Delivery of Program

    This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.