N – Nurture and Grow Profits
This particular learning pillar is an overview of the different elements covered under the “N – Nurture and Grow Profits”. This can be used to provide a structured summary view for an organisation’s HR, Sales Leaderships or relevant delegates.
Who is the Pillar Designed For?
This pillar of 5 learning capsules is designed for Commercial Directors, Sales Directors and their Multi-Functional Counterparts (e.g. Finance Director, Brand Director, Logistics Director) who work at a strategic level on building true partnerships with key strategic customers. In the package of learning capsules contained in our “N” pillar, the focus will be on improving the capabilities of senior management to foster strong joint business plans with key strategic customers and deliver increased growth and profitability for both partners.
“N – Nurture and Grow Profits” is the final set of the 4 learning capsules in Direczion’s GAIN & Win capability development methodology. Through each of the learning capsules senior sales management and their multi-functional counterparts will improve their skills in order to develop strategic partnerships with key customers, drive profitability for both parties and develop true “Trusted Advisor” status with key customers. Each learning capsule within the “N” pillar is a stand-alone training course which means that delegates can choose to follow the structured process or to pick the relevant learning capsules.
Learning Capsules in the “N” Program
There are 5 learning capsules contained in this pillar. An overview of each learning capsule can be found by selecting the link for each learning capsules included as part of “N – Nurture and Grow Profits”:
- Portfolio & Mix Management
- Advanced Category Management
- Trade Investment Management (including Trade Terms)
- Detailed Value Chain Understanding & Analysis
- Role of Right Analytics (Dashboard and Relevant KPI’s)
Mode of Delivery
This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.
Portfolio & Mix Management
This learning capsule is designed for Commercial Directors, Sales Directors and their Multi-Functional Counterparts (e.g., Finance Director, Brand Director, Logistics Director) who work at a strategic level on building true partnerships with key strategic customers. This particular learning capsule will look at financial modeling and how achieving the right portfolio and mix can ultimately increase profits for suppliers and their customers.
Over the last 10 years, sophisticated suppliers and customers have worked on taking a category view and delivering the right products and environment for shoppers but looking internally at the right portfolio of products and the profit mix across the products will ultimately deliver improved profits for suppliers and customers alike.
Learning Capsule Highlights
The learning capsule is designed to provide a structured approach to achieving the right financial mix of products within a portfolio of products. Key elements include:
- Understanding how the sales fundamentals impact the most effective mix of products required in a portfolio.
- The financial implications of the profitability of products both internally and externally.
- Pulling together the right mix of products that will nurture and grow both you and your customer’s profits.
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to work cross-functionally to achieve the right portfolio and mix of products that improve profitability.
- Building portfolio and mix management into a strong selling proposition with key customers.
Mode of Delivery
This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.
Advanced Category Management
This learning capsule is designed for Commercial Directors, Sales Directors, Senior Category Managers and their Multi-Functional Counterparts (e.g., Finance Director, Brand Director, Logistics Director) who work at a strategic level on building true partnerships with key strategic customers. In this learning capsule, we will examine the process of Category Management to deliver overall improved category growth and profitability with key strategic customers.
Category Management has become the key to the success of sophisticated retailers over the last decade. It is a systematic, disciplined approach to managing a product category as a strategic business unit and delivering improved category growth and profitability. Commercial Directors and their counterparts who take a strategic category approach to their products and brands in sophisticated retailers will see the benefits with improved revenues alongside an improved experience for the shopper.
Learning Capsule Highlights
This learning capsule will not only revise the fundamentals of Category Management but also analyse financial modelling and assortment tools to aid category management. Key elements include:
- Revision of the fundamentals of Category Management including the 7-step process involved.
- In-depth analysis of financial modelling tool and assortment tools available to aid category management work.
- Bringing it all together as part of a strategic annual and/ or joint business plan.
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to use financial modelling and assortment tools to build strong Category Management plans with key strategic customers.
- Ability to gain alignment at senior management/ board level to principles of advanced Category Management with goal of nurturing and growing profits.
Mode of Delivery
This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.
Trade Investment Management (Including Trade Terms)
This learning capsule is designed for Commercial Directors, Sales Directors, Commercial Finance Directors and their Multi-Functional Counterparts (e.g., Supply Chain Director, Logistics Director) who work at a strategic level on building true partnerships with key strategic customers. In this learning capsule, we will examine how you can implement trade investment plans and bespoke trade terms with key customers to nurture and grow profits.
In an increasingly competitive market where the power has evidently shifted towards the retailer with a continued focus on price competitiveness, it is imperative for suppliers to continually review their commercial proposition with key trade customers to optimise growth and profitability.
Learning Capsule Highlights
This learning capsule will examine the proven practices in Trade Investment Management in order to nurture profit growth in a complex trading environment. Key elements include:
- Examination of elements that impact Trade Investment Management (Return on Investment of activities in different customers, customer engagement, pricing architecture, supply chain).
- Understanding the financial impact of trade terms and how to use trade terms to work collaboratively with key customers to deliver improved growth and profits for both parties.
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to use financial modelling to understanding the impact of all activities on overall growth and profitability.
- Ability to impact trade terms to make strategic decisions on which customers to over/ under invest./li>
Mode of Delivery
This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.
Detailed Value Chain Understanding and Analysis
This learning capsule is designed for Commercial Directors and their Multi-Functional Counterparts (e.g., Finance Director, Brand Director, etc.) who work at a strategic level leading a company or a company division. In this learning capsule, we will examine how a company can examine its internal activities with the goal of achieving a competitive advantage.
Value chain analysis is a strategy tool used to map the flow of value from manufacturing of a product, transitioning through various levels of route-to-market and ultimately realization of the final value upon its purchase by the consumer. Through its detailed mapping, it also analyses the internal company activities with a goal to recognize which activities are the most valuable to the company and which ones could be improved to provide competitive advantage.
Learning Capsule Highlights
This learning capsule will examine the value chain analysis tool and how you can apply it to your business and ultimately achieve a competitive advantage. Key elements include:
- Understand the process of using a value chain analysis tool.
- Examine primary activities (inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and service) and their impact on achieving company goals.
- Examine support activities (Infrastructure, HR, IT and Procurement) and their impact on achieving company goals.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding what Detailed Value Chain Analysis is and how it can impact your business strategies.
- Ability to carry out a Detailed Value Chain Analysis on your company or business division.
Mode of Delivery
This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.
Role of Right Analysis (Dashboard and Relevant KPIs)
This learning capsule is designed for Commercial Directors, Commercial Finance Directors and their Multi-Functional Counterparts (e.g., Finance Director, Brand Director, etc.) who work at a strategic level leading a company or a company division. In this learning capsule, we will examine the importance of having the right analytics in place and the financial impact of placing a strategic focus on analytics.
In recent studies, it has become increasingly evident that companies who place the right resource against analytics are seeing an impact on their bottom line. Where this focus on analytics comes from the leadership downwards in complex organisations, the strategic and financial results are clear to see.
Learning Capsule Highlights
This learning capsule will examine the role that analytics plays in any organisation and how using the appropriate analytics tools will impact the growth and profits of the company. Key elements include:
- Understanding the role of analytics in an organisation.
- Case Studies of how focus on analytics can improve results
- Examination of appropriate Dashboard and Relevant KPI’s for differing companies.
- Focusing the right talent and resource on data and analytics roles.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding the importance of analytics and its impact on decision-making and ultimately profit growth.
- Ability to put appropriate analytics tools in place for your organisation to measure the relevant KPIs.
- Ability to resource the right talent for those analytics roles throughout an organisation.
Mode of Delivery
This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.