Triggers and Barriers to Success (VAL)

Triggers and Barriers to Success (Customised) bg

What does Success look like?


This learning capsule is part of our module titled “Triggers and Barriers to Success”. This is designed for any individual looking to understand the different kinds of triggers and barriers that one can possibly come across in life, at his workplace, as an individual or face together as a team. A deep understanding of this and the various ways one can react or behave in such situations will immensely shape one’s mental strength thereby providing more confidence to succeed.


This capsule is called “What does Success look like?”. Success has no definite definition, it is different for every individual/it is individualistic, however the only times it could and mostly should be one and the same is when we are working towards a same goal as a team.

Learning Capsule Highlights

In this capsule, we shall help uncover the following:
  • Identify what makes us feel successful as an individual
  • Identify requirements to become a successful team
  • Map similarities between an individual and team’s success so that there is one goal to work towards overall.
  • Impact or effects of both a team’s success and individual success in one’s life.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this capsule, an individual will have a more clear, focused and positive approach to life in general. As he/she is able to understand and define what Success is for oneself professionally, personally and socially. A better understanding of situations/ requirements to feel successful, thereby putting oneself in a better position to work towards it. A successful person is a happy person.

Delivery of Program

This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.

Success Triggers and Ways to Leverage them


This learning capsule is part of our module titled “Triggers and Barriers to Success”. This is designed for any individual looking to understand the different kinds of triggers and barriers that one can possibly come across in life, at his workplace, as an individual or face together as a team. A deep understanding of this and the various ways one can react or behave in such situations will immensely shape one’s mental strength thereby providing more confidence to succeed.


Every individual wants success, if one knew the triggers of success, it would most definitely be beneficial. If one knew the triggers, they could control the environment and their behaviour to ensure that one is steered towards success correctly.

Learning Capsule Highlights

In this capsule, we will focus on ascertaining the different kinds of triggers to success after understanding what one is working towards. The driving forces of the triggers are understood in detail. Finally, a clear action plan will ensure focused progress.

Learning Outcomes

A SMART goal can be easily achieved with no distractions when one understands the triggers to attaining it. It will help point to the right direction, thereby ensuring more productivity and positivity overall.

Delivery of Program

This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.

Barriers to Success and Ways to Overcome


This learning capsule is part of our module titled “Triggers and Barriers to Success”. This is designed for any individual looking to understand the different kinds of triggers and barriers that one can possibly come across in life, at his workplace, as an individual or face together as a team. A deep understanding of this and the various ways one can react or behave in such situations will immensely shape one’s mental strength thereby providing more confidence to succeed.


In the journey to attain success, there could be various barriers caused due to internal and external factors. Won’t it be good if one is able to predict such situations ahead to be able to react in the right way thereby ensuring the barrier doesn’t really come in the way of their success.

Learning Capsule Highlights

In this capsule, we shall focus on the following:
  • Different kinds of barriers
  • Impacts of barriers on one’s goal/life
  • Ways of reacting to situations and thoughts/Facing barriers successfully

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this capsule, an individual will be able to have a clear approach in attaining their goals. With thorough understanding of various situations that could come by in the journey to success. A clear plan and approach in handing these varied situations and thoughts will ensure an efficient way of moving ahead in one’s life towards one’s goals.

Delivery of Program

This training capsule will be delivered through “Interactive Virtual Sessions”. For our “Interactive Virtual Sessions” we allow a maximum of 4 delegates per session meaning that delegates will get personal attention throughout the sessions. This is accessible remotely from the delegates location through an online system that is almost similar to a video conferencing platform.